Grilled scallopini

My parents are amazing gardeners and I couldn’t resist this little scallopini left over from their crop. Mainly because, what a cute vegetable, everyone! How could you not want to take it home? Little and frilly and kind of like a flying saucer. I’ve eaten them before but not prepared them myself; they are not unlike a courgette to deal with but they are sweeter and firmer on the eating side of things. So, if you find courgettes can be a little bitter for your taste, let me recommend the scallopini to you.
If you’ve read my blog before you’ll know I am a fan of providing a little historical background on my food. Writing this post has lead to me to a veritable treasure trove of information on the Louis Bonduelle Foundation website with its vegetable ABC section. I learned from the website that Scallopini are also known as patty pan squash and, along with promising you a “healthy vacation glow,” they from Central America and are a member of the mighty Curcubitaceace family. Their French name is Pâtisson, taken from the name of a cake baked in a scalloped mould. They are suited to numerous preparation styles, including roasting, sautéing and baking with cheese (although what food does that not improve, I’d like to know).
My method here is summery – fresh herbs and lemon, and you could pop this on the BBQ or, like I did, just in a grill pan on the stove top. Good as a side and hearty enough for a small meal with some bread on the side.
For one scallopini (increase according to number of scallopini you are grilling):
1 scallopini, cut into lengthways slices of no more than 1cm thickness
1 T olive oil
1 T fresh mint, chopped
1 t goats cheese (could also use feta)
1/4 lemon
Fresh cracked pepper to taste
Heat the grill to medium hot. While it is warming up, rub the scallopini slices in the oil (I find it easy to use a shallow bowl to do this).
Place the slices onto the heated grill. Turn a few times initially to avoid sticking. Cook for a three to four minutes per side, until grilled to your liking.
Lay the grilled scallopini slices onto a plate or platter. Crumble the goats cheese and scatter over. Add the mint and cracked pepper over the top. Serve with lemon slices to be squeezed over just before eating.