Carrot salad with apple cider vinegar dressing, or meh carrots part 1

Happy New Year! Munching on carrot sticks, brimming with enthusiasm for a year of healthful habits? Nope, me neither. And I need to tell you right now that if that’s what you’re after, you’re probably reading the wrong blog. But, I am enjoying some carrot recipes these days and I would like to share them with you.
I’ve not always been the biggest fan of carrots (hence the ‘meh carrots part 1’ of the title). I was distinctly neutral about them as a child. When included as a member of the traditional meat-and-three-veg line-up, carrots always felt pretty bland – just peeled, chopped and boiled, and plonked alongside the potatoes. I would usually try to cover them with some tomato sauce or mash them into my potato to make them go down a little easier.
I’m pleased to report I have since realised the error of my ways. Over the past couple of years I have developed a number of ways to spruce up the old carrot into something quite tasty. And well I should – carrots are sweet, colourful and cheap, and brimming with all kinds of goodness including beta carotene, potassium and Vitamin K1. They’re also pretty fascinating – would you believe they have only been orange since the 16th century? So says this post, which also provides advice that selection of one’s carrots should include the criteria that the carrots are firm and well-formed, snarf.
Today’s carrot recipe does require you to grate them but I promise it’s worth it. This carrot salad is very versatile. It’s a welcome addition to a BBQ as the freshness of the carrots and cider vinegar cuts through richer flavours nicely. Equally it makes a meat-free meal for one in its own right, especially if you add a little more protein and a crusty bread roll. I hope you give it a chance!
Serves 4 as a side
3 x large carrots, peeled
2 T apple cider vinegar
3 T mild oil (I like rapeseed)
1 t brown sugar
1 t dry mustard powder
1 t wholegrain mustard
3 T toasted walnuts, chopped
Prepare your carrots first – grate them (coarsely is fine if you hate grating carrots as much as I do) and roll gently in a clean towel to remove excess moisture. Don’t overdo this as you still want a bit of the juiciness. No wringing!
Combine the vinegar, oil, sugar and mustard powder by whisking until blended in a small bowl or shaking all ingredients in a jar.
Place the carrots in a serving bowl, sprinkle over the walnuts and pour in the dressing. Toss the salad and serve immediately.