Spicy oat and sunflower bites

Do you get to feeling nibbly late afternoon? Does your mouth start watering as you fantasise about stuffing large handfuls of salt and vinegar chips into your mouth alongside stacks of delicious lovely cheese? Well, friends, have I got a deal for you. Because while my brain would like to cram in a whole lot of fat and salt at 4pm on the dot, my body would not thank me.
These bites will trick your mouth into thinking it’s had a whole lot more salt and fat that you’ve provided. They are pretty generously spiced with the merest smidgen of sharp cheese to ensure you get a flavour hit. There’s a reasonable about of healthy, non-animal based oil as I find it not only helps with satiety but also gives these a lovely, crumbly and slightly luxurious texture. Finally, the sunflower seeds toast up beautifully during baking to give a little crunch.
The secret it to keep them bite-sized. You just want one to pop into your mouth for a savoury pick-me-up, and they get in unmanageably crumbly if much bigger than a teaspoonful.
1 c oats
1 c plain flour, sifted
1 t each of chilli flakes and ground black pepper
1/4 t cayenne pepper
Pinch salt
1/2 c sunflower seeds
1/4 c sharp cheese, grated
1/2 c rapeseed oil
1 egg, lightly beaten
Set the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Line two baking trays with grease proof paper.
Mix together oats, flour, spices and seasoning in a large bowl.
Add the seeds and cheese and stir to combine.
Add the egg and oil. Mix and form into a stiff ball of dough, using your hands to shape and mould the dough.
Place teaspoonfuls of dough onto baking trays, using your hands to squeeze together loose crumbs.
Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
Cool on a baking wrack.