Nectarines and recuperation

Now here’s the thing….I am at home recovering from abdominal surgery. It’s good news – I am doing fine and the surgery will improve my quality of life.  I have had lots of surgery in my life and have always come through it like a teacher’s pet, best-in-show ribbon kind of goody two shoes, with minimal recovery and a speedy bounce-back. Turns out this surgery was more of a big deal, and it’s taking longer than usual for me to feel like myself. Although my usual eating includes lots of sharp, spicy flavours and a range of textures, right now I just want comfort food that is easy to make and easy to eat. And also to lie around all day in my pyjamas.
I’m lucky to be recuperating in Summer. Long bright days and sunny skies are easier on the mood when you are spending large portions of the day looking out the window, and fresh deliciousness abounds – tomatoes, stone fruit, avocados and all other kinds of goodies are plentiful and at their best.
I am particularly in love with nectarines right now. They are my favourite fruit, so whenever they are in season I gobble them up by the bucket load. Nectarines have an impressive history – most likely first domesticated in China over 4,000 years ago! Perhaps it is not surprising that I am particularly drawn to them while I am recovering, as they are packed with all kinds of good things, including Vitamins A and C.
I would never suggest that you need to do anything with a nectarine to make it more delicious. My favourite way of eating them is straight from the fruit bowl. Grilling them however makes them feel a little more like a special dessert, and I bet it could be dressed up even more with a little ice cream. The addition of basil may seem weird, but do give it a go! It goes nicely with the sweetness.
Per nectarine:
1 x t honey
A dot of butter
To serve, optional:
Fresh chopped basil
Plain yoghurt
Pour your honey in to a shallow dish or plate. If your honey is the firmer, creamier variety (like mine) then give it a burst of heat in the microwave (about 20 seconds) or on the stove to make it a little runny. Here’s a quick aside about my honey – I brought it via the Common Unity Project Aotearoa. The honey is produced from bees and hives in the Hutt Valley as part of their Beeple Project. They are an awesome bunch, check them out.
Halve the nectarine/s, removed the stones and rub all over in the honey.
Place in a shallow heat-proof dish stone-side up. An oven tray with raised sides would also do.
Dot a little butter on each nectarine half.
Put your oven grill on and grill at high heat until the nectarine halves start to soften and go golden brown on the top.
Serve sprinkled with the basil and some yoghurt on the side.