How do you like them apples? Â That’s how I feel I should be addressing you, because we really have had a lot of apply recipes by this point in the Edmonds A section. Â But I love a good flan and this little number is easy and satisfying, so it’s worth a try if you like the sound of it. Â d

It all beings with a packet of Edmonds butter cake mix.  I haven’t bought cake mix for years. It gives me a little guilty pang and I feel like I should be making my own from scratch.  One of the last times I used cake mix was a formative baking experience back in the mists of time.  I had to produce a cake for Girls Brigade and Mum, sick with the flu and no doubt not feeling up to chaperoning a junior baker in the kitchen, bought me an orange cake mix.  I proudly presented the finished product to the family table and Mum, who probably wanted to eat anything else in the world apart from a vivid orange pile of stodge crafted by a 10 year old, gallantly rose from bed and forced down a bowlful.  Being the anxious kid I was, I decided then and there if anything happened to Mum I would always remember that moment.  Probably a little hysterical on my part (I always was a worrier) but it was a very touching moment nonetheless and I still appreciate her sucking it up for the sake of my feelings.
If you want to make this Apple Coconut Flan, you will need:
- 1 packet Edmonds Butter Cake Mix
- 1 cup coconut
- 125g butter
- 2 cups stewed apple
- 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
- 1 cup water
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
Set the oven to 180 degrees celsius. Â Combine the coconut and cake mix in a bowl. Â Edmonds offers you the choice of doing this by hand or with a food processor. Â I don’t think you need a food processor, I did this by hand very easily.
Cut in the butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Â In another bowl, combine the stewed apple and lemon rind and put in the bottom of a greased, oven-proof baking dish. Â Spoon the cake mixture over the apples, and then combine the water and lemon juice and pour this over the top. Â Bake for 55 minutes or until pale golden and firm to touch. Â You can serve this hot or cold.
The apple in my version caramelised rather charmingly at the corners of the dish and the coconut toasted up a little in the topping. Â We had ours semi-warmed with some yoghurt and it went down a treat, I hope particularly for my Mum.