Sometimes you just need some gently savoury food in your life, for comfort’s sake. I have felt this way recently. Freshly-baked bread, cheese scones, pulses and hot drinks are the order of the day. Infused oils are an excellent way to pep up most of the above (with the obvious exclusion of hot drinks. Tea and garlic oil? Thanks, but no thanks).

I always love having a stash of nice oils in my pantry. They look pretty and give me a happy little pang of satisfaction to see them all lined up as I scan the cupboard waiting for inspiration. I really love infusing oils – your house fills with a lovely aroma of chilli, garlic, basil, rosemary, or whatever other delights you are preparing for your oil. It’s an excellent way to use up old bottles rather than consign them to the recycling, and a bottle of infused oil makes a lovely gift.
I chose garlic most recently because a number of after-work meals on high rotation in our kitchen benefit from some garlic. I am, thankfully and mercifully, very tolerant of garlic and other members of the allium family. My beloved husband, however, needs more FODMAP-y fare. Garlic oil is an excellent helper in this regard.

When reading about infusing oils, there is some excitement out there about about the low risk of botulism. So please keep this in the fridge – I swear it will be fine, but I would hate to be responsible for an outbreak of botulism amongst WordPress readers!
To make this I used:
250ml rice bran oil – olive oil is completely lush with garlic too, but as this batch was largely to accompany other flavours, I used a lighter oil
1 head of garlic
1 glass bottle, sterilised (freaked me out the first time I sterilised bottles and jars but actually really truly simple and you will feel like a domestic goddess
Also on hand – a fry pan and a sieve
Cut the bottom off your garlic head, remove each clove and peel it. Squash each clove with the flat part of a large knife, so some of the flavour can be released when cooking in the oil.

Place your pan over a medium heat. Once warm, add approximately two tablespoons of the oil. Allow to heat.
Add the garlic to the oil and stir to coat. Once it is bubbling add the rest of the oil.
Allow to heat gently, stirring from time to time, for about half an hour. Try not to let the garlic colour.

Take off the heat and cool. When cool, strain through a sieve into a jug and then bottle. You can leave the garlic cloves in and indeed I love it like this – you just have to use it up a little quicker, and it’s not so good for those who can’t tolerate garlic.
Store in your fridge. It is goes a bit cloudy and viscous due to the cold, simply stand in some hot water to return to pourability.